T&J Construction was engaged by DPTI to undertake the formation and sheeting works on the Innamincka Airstrip in preparation for the sealing of the Airstrip.

The first challenge for this project was sourcing enough water for the formation and sheeting works, T&J built two Turkeys nests and lined them with a 5um HDPE liner. To feed the Turkeys nests two bores were installed at depth of 60m.

Formation of the airstrip consisted of cut to fill and an import to fill component. All fill material was raised from the Nappa Merrie burrow pit which is located on the Adventure Way. All the fill and sheeting material was put through a Pugmill to raise the moisture content to the optimum level.

Once the formation was complete, T&J started the bulk load and haul of the moisture conditioned material from the Nappa Merrie pit to the Airstrip utilising road train side tippers.

During this operation additional wet maintenance was undertaken on the Haul route to keep the Adventure Way in a trafficable condition. Additional maintenance was carried out by T & J Constructions for DPTI when wet weather closed the Strzelecki Track.

The sheeting operation was undertaken by two of T&Js 140M graders which were equipped with a millimetre accurate UTS machine control system to achieve the required design levels.


  • Construction of two Turkeys nests
  • Installation of two bore pumps to a depth 60m
  • Running 20,000tn through a mobile pugmill
  • The formation and sheeting operation utilising a UTS millimetre machine control system
  • Achieving compaction and dry backs utilising material raised from a local burrow pit


Innamincka, SA




February 2020 – April 2020


Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure DPTI