T&J is successfully completed the formation and sheeting of both the Innamincka Airstrip and 15km of the Dillions Highway (the most Northern end of the Strzelecki track) in preparation for sealing. On the back of the success of these two projects DIT then awarded T&J Constructions an iconic south Australian project which involves the road construction and sealing of the first 60km of the Strzelecki track starting from the most southern end near Lyndhurst.

The construction of this section of road required the following processes:

Extraction, storage and carting water for construction purposes from the bores and turkey nest dams located at Knob Bore, Mt Lyndhurst Bore and Mundy Bore. T&J installed Bore pumps, turkey’s nests and all associated filling points and pumps at these locations.

Location and protection of all existing services from construction damage within the construction activity zone. Known services crossing RN12000 Strzelecki Track at MM 407.51, MM 442.13 and MM 451.87;

Formation works of approximately 60km of roadway which also included clearing table drains, ripping and shaping of the existing road formation to the DIT design cross section. All the formation material was ripped, moisture condition and compacted in situ. Compaction testing and survey was undertaken to DIT specification.


  • Shape the existing road formation to allow water to run across at the floodway locations.
  • Removal and disposal of 450mm RCP. Supply, Delivery and Installation of 1200mm x 600mm Single Cell Box Culverts and Base Slabs.
  • Removal and disposal of 120mm x 450mm Single Cell Box Culverts and Base Slabs.
  • Supply, Delivery and Installation of 1200mm x 600mm Single Cell Box Culverts and Base Slabs.
  • Removal and disposal of existing concrete culverts. Deliver and Install new culverts and wing walls at Mundy Creek Grid;
  • Clearing of 600mm RCP at 411.20, 120mm x 450mm Single Cell Box Culverts and 350mm RCP;
  • Grade formed sections to shape and compact to 98% modified compaction;
  • Wet maintenance and backwatering to all completed road sections.


Lyndhurst, SA




September 2020 to May 2021


Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure DPTI